Vivoh Wallflower

Vivoh Wallflower is a programmable, branded, interactive, enhanced gallery view for Zoom, which can be viewed as a Zoom participant and projected on a video wall.

Vivoh leverages ZoomISO and Isadora, combined with our own event management software, to rotate remote participants in a branded visual experience with emojis, chat, and transition effects. Wallflower automatically switches Zoom participants or producers manually add and remove them, in real-time, via a mobile web interface.

As companies strive to enhance hybrid meeting experiences, Vivoh Wallflower brings remote and in-person participants together and keeps them highly engaged.

Visionary leader, Raj Pillai, with Vivoh Wallflower

Here are two videos of Vivoh Wallflower in production:

Erik Herz on LinkedIn: #zoom #hybridwork #hybridevents
Vivoh Wallflower in action!#zoom #hybridwork #hybridevents
Erik Herz on LinkedIn: #zoom #hybridwork #hybridevents
Vivoh Wallflower, Zoom, and Sony PTZs with AI-based camera tracking enables highly engaging hybrid meetings! #hybridwork…

Both Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinars allow hosts to spotlight two participants. This allows a "people and content view" with the active speaker and the Vivoh Wallflower view.

Click here to see the end-user experience

Click here to see the admin experience

Contact Vivoh on or 860-606-7878 for more information.